Thursday, December 17, 2009

Soil goes to the movies - or at least, my poster comes to the net

I've been having trouble sending this file out through my university servers, even though it's only 5 MB. So, a new solution: post it online. Or rather, link it to a blog through Dropbox, the nifty little utility that lets you put your files online to sync them across computers - or share them.

It's that latter function that I hope will work out here. Plus, there are other advantages to doing it this way.

Since many of my conference presentations are big powerpoint or poster files, linking to them from a blog will much like putting them on a personal website. Only free, and much easier. My university stopped offering web hosting (even while raising our student IT fees, alas), so if I wanted a website, I'd have to either pay for it, or use a free one that's plastered with ads. Why bother, when I can just start a new blog?

Secondly, since blogger layouts are pre-packaged, there's far less time and work involved than with a website. Normally, I would use the journaling sites that I'm already on - Dreamwidth, especially - but since I'm on a couple of blogs already, I'll try out this medium first.

Last and best, since blogs are designed for commenting, I can talk about the research I upload here. Feedback from others is the only reward for my work. (Although a job offer would be awesome too!) Since the goal of any research is to stimulate conversation about the topic, I do hope people continue offering me suggestions and ideas on the work I post.

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